About Us
Contact: Janice
Tel: 0086-020-87563696
Fax: 0086-020-38468284
Address: No.592, Tian He Bei Road
Guangzhou, China
Xiamen Green Harvest Industies Limited is a professional food supplier and specialist in exporting for 20 years experience in modern agriculture, food processing and production since 1996. our knockout products including egg noodle, canned vegetables/fruits and other food items, such as mushroom, peach, pear, apricote and fruit cocktail, some daily use product like disposible cutlery, straw etc. Our company has extensive experience to serves retail, wholesale and distributor in food industry.
Most of our products exported to Middle east, South America, Europe etc. All of our products are manufactured in a safe and hygienic environment, to ensure utmost quality and complies with all federal regulations. we endeavours to provide customers with the best value for money and to maintain confidence that all our products have earned.
We are a dynamic team that believes in QUALITY, INNOVATION, and HAPPY CUSTOMERS. After all, we are in a happy business.
Dear customers, if you are interested in us, if you want to have a convenient and efficient purchase plan in China and hope to get the best service for you, you can please contact us in China. We would be very pleased to be of service to you and build a fruitful long-term relationship with you.
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