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Prominent social cohabitation maintain food safety
Time:2014-06-16 11:34:32

It is understood that the conference as a 2014 National Food Safety Awareness Week "theme day for Industry and Commerce," the important content to attract, including the NPC Law Committee, the National Development and Reform Commission, the State Food and Drug Administration, the Ministry and other departments, the associations organizations, experts academics, the food industry and business representatives, consumer representatives and major news media representatives actively participate in a total of 100 people. The meeting was chaired by the president of the Chinese consumer Bai Jinghua newspaper.

     Course of the meeting, delegates on how to create more confidence for consumers to food safety consumer environment expressed their views. Ma is the Deputy Secretary said that, in 2013, the national industrial and commercial system of food safety violations were investigated 117,000 cases, cases of the total price of 260 million yuan. The business sector and will continue to improve the regulatory mechanism of credit, good food market conduct supervision, strengthen consumer rights violations punishable damage, consumer associations play an important role in the maintenance of food safety, promote food business entities Suntech law, and actively coordinate with the relevant departments, good food safety work.


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