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There are clear of pesticides machine or detergent on the market, it really necessary to use these to wash fruit? Pesticide residues in the "Scientists and the media face to face" the first 41 events organized by the China Association this morning, Institute for Development of Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Executive Dean, Professor Hu Xiaosong the interpretation on this issue, he said that the fruit does not imagine the serious, washed with water to wash fruits sufficient.
Hu Xiaosong said that fruit and vegetable pesticide issue in 2005, the relative concentration of some of the previous 2006, began around 2006 has been significantly reduced. "Because of the rapid development in recent years, pesticide science, targeting more of the lower human hazards, less toxic residue shorter time."
"I want to tell you that," Hu Xiaosong said, "First, no major problems as a whole we are eating fruits and vegetables. Secondly, if it is not assured, running water on the line third, not too much believe this instrument, that device, not much meaning. could also bring unsafe hidden. "
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