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Shiitake mushrooms are probably the most common type of Asian mushroom in the U.S. The Chinese name for shiitake mushrooms is Xiang Gu, and the Japanese name translates to "Chinquapin tree mushroom." Shiitake mushrooms are typically available dried and can be rehydrated before you use them. Make sure to wash them carefully even if they are dehydrated because mushrooms hide dirt in their gills. Shiitake mushrooms are fairly versatile and can handle being cooked with strong sauces and flavors. They are particularly useful in soups, stir-fries and stews.
Enokitake mushrooms are not as well-known in the west as shitake mushrooms, but they are an extremely common type of Asian mushroom. Enokitake mushrooms are small white mushrooms with long, slender stems. These mushrooms are not typically dried; rather they are served fresh. Most of the time they are eaten by themselves as a snack. When using enokitake mushrooms in cooking, remember that they go well in soups and salads.
The straw mushroom is a common type of Asian mushroom used in stir-fry. Native to Vietnam, southern China and Southeast Asia, straw mushrooms are usually found in Asian markets. However, straw mushrooms are typically preserved and sold in can varieties. They work better in recipes where the other vegetables have a more delicate flavor and aroma. These mushrooms add a little crunch to the stir-fry dishes they typically accompany. Their texture also compliments dishes traditional recipes such as Pho well.
Shimeji mushrooms are native to Japan, and a common type of Asian mushroom. They are medium in size and are either white or brown. These mushrooms have a nuttier flavor than enokitake mushrooms, and some people describe them as being buttery. They are also known as beech mushrooms because they usually grow on beech trees. These crisp mushrooms are typically grown hydroponically now and are useful in almost any recipe, traditional or new, including stir-fries, soups and stews.
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