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Today we are going to introduce some ways to cook canned mushroom. However, as
we know, canned mushroom nomally put into a dish as side adding like mushroom soup,
pizza, etc. here we are going to cook it as a main role in a dish, anyway, it always suprise us
when we try something else.
It is very convenient and easy to get things prepared:
oil, garlic, ginger
red chilli peper, green chilli
canned mushroom whole, canned mushroom pieces and sterms
multi flavor powder, black peper
Cooking start:
1: make oil hot and put garlic and ginger
2: put canned mushroom whole and canned mushroom pieces and sterms, fry
3: put green chilli together fry,
4: put soy sauce, salt keep on fry
5: put multi flavor powder and black peper
6: serve
Also Herewith another dish which is ready to bake as follows:
PS: this tast better with BBQ sauce
Aboves are some ways to cook canned mushroom as main part, hope you like it.
Any suggestions and good ideas please share with us.
Have a wonderful day to you.
Xiamen Green Harvest Industries Limited
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